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The African Schoolroom has facilitated many service projects for Round Square ( and shares their philosophy which embraces six pillars or precepts under the acronym IDEALS: Internationalism, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership and Service.  Over the last five years, Round Square and the African Schoolroom have built five classrooms, one kitchen and one library, and other African Schoolroom collaborations have led to even more classrooms, orphanages, family homes, kitchens, toilet blocks, jungle gyms and vegetable gardens.


Other regular clients include Project South Africa, Mercersburg College, Pennsylvania; Dustin’s Greenhouse, California; the Universities of Delaware and West Chester, United States; the Universities of St Gallen and Zurich in Switzerland; the University of Augsburg, Germany; the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) at the University of Cape Town; “Don’t Forget About Africa” group; numerous gap students and school leavers.


The long-standing relationship between The African Schoolroom and the University of Teacher Training in St Gallen has led to an exciting and innovative teacher exchange programme between South Africa and Switzerland. 

“I will return home both enriched and proud of myself as well as with a lot of gratitude for having been able to witness this panorama of experiences.” 

(Round Square 2012)

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