The Covid-19 pandemic is taking its toll around the world, but no more so than in the impoverished communities of South Africa. Here, many children who used to get a meal every day at school (often their only meal) are now going hungry. Many of them are orphans or from child-headed households. Many parents have lost their jobs and ability to make an income, in an environment where the rate of unemployment was already extremely high even before Covid-19. Although the government is doing what it can to address the issue of hunger, the scale of the problem is overwhelming.
In the face of this crisis, thanks to generous donors from South Africa and abroad, wonderful initiatives are providing food parcels to the most needy families. Lives are literally being saved; even more importantly, hope is being created where there was only despair.
This food support drive is coordinated by The African Schoolroom. If you feel inspired to contribute towards Food for Families, please contact Liz Mackintosh on lizm365@gmail.com or Michael Wirrer on michael.wirrer@phsg.ch.
With thanks to Project South Africa, Partners for Possibility, Rotary Club of White River, Thurnherr family (Switzerland), Manta Trading, BJ Group, Albany Bread, Zannas, Halls, Netto Maluka, school principals and their distribution teams and the many individuals, at home and abroad.
One thousand families’ hungry tummies filled during lockdown
Lowvelder, April 10th 2020
..."The differences these support programmes make in the lives of our children are so worthwhile. I just do what I can, because I can. And, for many, this support creates life-changing experiences and opportunities. It most certainly is a win-win,” said Mackintosh."
Read the full Lowvelder article here.
Rural schools suffer most due to suspension of school feeding programmes
Lowvelder, April 20th 2020
..."Despite the distance-learning programmes that have been established by the Department of Education and many other independent service providers, rural schools and teachers are the ones struggling the most."
Read the full Lowvelder article here.

"I don't have words to describe the joy and smiles we observe when these innocent souls receive food parcels. One boy indicated that he had gone two days without eating food. Both parents have passed away and he stays alone."
– Principal Jeleni Silinda
"What an excitement Liz and the smiles that we see in both parents and learners. The words of saying "Thank you" cannot be counted. This has given me a smile and tears of joy to see what a positive impact this has had in the lives of these needy families. Wow I am speechless, but thank you once again to the sponsors and to you Liz for being in the frontline of this programme especially for our schools."
– Principal Isaac Mazibuko